A designed set of tools and practices that help libraries organize skill exchange circles in flexible, scalable and enjoyable ways.

How it works: In a skill circle (taitopiiri), librarians and patrons of the library suggest a topic for the local community to learn together, find a skill sharer, organize a skill circle session and document it. The circle is augmented with bibliographic or other media resources from the library. The goal of organizing skill circles is to contribute to the emergence and maintenance of local knowledge commons.

We developed the concept in the context of Helsinki Library Idea Nuggets competition and then produced the first experimental pilot for the service in the Kallio library (Helsinki). The pilot was used to test the feasibility of the concept and to further co-create and develop the service model with the library staff and patrons.


Recipe for creating a Library Skill Circle: http://www.kirjastot.fi/fi/node/47520#.VqCRGPGx7aY

From Idea to Reality (Article in Helmet): http://www.helmet.fi/fi-FI/Tapahtumat_ja_vinkit/Uutispalat/Kirjaston_ideahiput__ideasta_toteutuksee%2880352%29

Skill circle -working
An Skill exchange circle at the Kallio Library
Exchanging skills at Kallio library
Exchanging skills at Kallio library